Simple translations without signature

These are the translations made by a technical professional or translator, which are usually delivered as a Word document (electronic and/or printed) and which does not bear any stamp / name / declaration / identifier of the person who made the translation. However, these documents can be delivered together with a Validation Format (from Tradupharma or from the client) where the names of the people who made both the translation and the correction of the texts are shown.

This type of translations is usually used for researcher’s brochures, Inserts, CoAs, SUSARs, Specifications, Technical Data Sheets, Manuals, Analytical Methods, Scientific Articles, Reports, Resolutions, Notifications, Files, Communications in general, etc.

They have a fairly fast processing speed (since it usually applies to quite extensive documents) and can be done in absolutely all languages without any restriction. Also, these types of translations can be managed entirely in a virtual way and have the cheapest cost in relation to the other types of translations..

All our simple translations are always delivered diagrammed in such a way that they look and compare similar to the original document, so that there are no problems when citing pages or understanding the schematic structure.